Freedom Church

He Called Your Name – Twice!

woman, mood, cross

Jesus, called YOUR name twice!! From His cross!! YOUR NAME!!!

I know what you’re thinking, “That’s crazy! No way! Impossible!” Trust me friend. It is neither crazy nor impossible. Sure, your name may be Ian, or Brittany, but whatever it might be, Jesus called Your name! Let me tell you about it, and what your name really is to Him. It was given to me one day as I was simply having a “prayerful” conversation with the Holy Spirit and asking questions in March of this year. It was to be an Easter/Resurrection Sunday message. What He “showed” me was amazing. It was not an audible voice, but a “spiritual” seed that “grew” in me as He “…gave unto me His spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: and the eyes of my understanding being enlightened…” (see Eph 1:17-18),  as He opened up scripture to me, and not to mention He picked out certain words for me to see in a new light, with His grace and truth.

So now, go ahead, use your imagination. See Jesus on the cross, looking at all who were there. He was already beaten, wounded, bloodied, having been whipped and then crucified (rarely did both ever happen to one person). His crucifixion, to the Old Testament Jews, signified He was “cursed” by God. And He was… for all of us! He took the curse that belonged to us! Roman soldiers mocked Him, casting lots for His clothes. Religious leaders laughed at Him. Others cried watching Him die. 

Yet, through it all, He still called YOUR name! How? Well, what He said was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34). Right there! Do you see it! You are called “Forgiven.” He said “Father, forgive them…” Forgive THEM! All of ‘them’ who were there and all of ‘them’ who were not, He died for and forgave! He called them all FORGIVEN! You see, you and I were one of ‘THEM.’ That’s what He wanted me to see!! We all were one of ‘them!’ For what He did at the cross was for all people, for all time! From the cross, dying, He forgave ‘them.’ They didn’t really know that it was His love for them that put Him there. And that’s your story and that’s my story. Not believing He suffered for us, not knowing His unconditional love for us, and not accepting He actually died to save us! But it all became different for those of us who did accept His forgiveness, and all He did for us, by asking Jesus into our lives, then our story changed. Have you done this? If not, you can today! For He called your name Forgiven, as we were all one of ‘them.’ So now for Ian, Brittany, and everyone else who accepts Him, our “real” name is “FORGIVEN!” He so wants us all to see this!!

Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace…

To be continued in Part 2…

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