Freedom Church


On this page you will find our Facebook live meeting videos, and more teachings and videos about the Gospel (good news) of God’s grace!

“…the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24


The Great Physician

The Great Physician speaks not about just any physician, but the Great Physician. His name is Jesus. Now, one definition of physician is a person who is a healer, one who heals, and one concerned with maintaining and restoring health. This is Jesus! He cares and is concerned with seeing us well, healthy, and strong! Why? Well, by His stripes, we are healed! He desires that for everyone, which is why He took those stripes and went to the cross for us! Let’s listen to this message and hear of His grace, His truth, and our freedom to receive healing!

The Cross - The Finished Work of Jesus Part 1

What does the Cross of Jesus tell us...
  • What does the Cross of Jesus tell us…
  •  God loves us, more than anything!
  • God is NOT angry with us! 
  • Our sins are NOT being held against us any more!
  •  The power of sin is completely broken in our lives!
  •  We are NOT condemned, we are BLESSED!
  •  That He is ALWAYS For US and with US!
Because of the Cross we receive...
  • Peace with God
  • Complete forgiveness by God
  • Acceptance by God in Jesus Christ
  • The gift of His righteousness
  •  Full rights a children of God
  • God, is our Abba, Father
  • Confidence to go to the throne of His grace, anytime!
  • Gift of salvation by grace through faith

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